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Men's Club


Men's Club World Wide Wrap

Sunday, February 9th at 8:30 am
Followed by a light breakfast

The Men’s Club of New City Jewish Center is a group of men of all ages who help serve the needs of the Jewish Center in a socially enjoyable setting.

Recent activities include:

  • monthly breakfast where we learn from educational speakers while enjoying a gourmet lox & eggs, bagel, cream cheese & lox breakfast with fellow congregants – men and women
  • learning and helping others put on tefillin at the same time as hundreds of other congregations worldwide
  • working to set up chairs and books for our congregation’s High Holiday services, and building our congregation’s succah.
  • annual service and oneg at West Point with the Jewish cadets
  • scholarships for entering college freshmen recognizing their service to the community
  • fundraising activities such as an annual wine sale
  • contributions toward special needs of the congregation and community
  • a “Hearing Men’s Voices” discussion group for men
  • a monthly business and planning meeting (This may seem dull, but the 25 to 30 men who attend each month have a great time.)
  • a retreat at a campsite to learn about leadership and experience outdoor religious services
  • a family ski day
  • a congregation tour of the Lower East Side.

We have been recognized by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs with a Quality Club Award for achieving the highest standards in participation and quality in our international, regional and local programming and activities. We ask that you join us and participate in our activities. If you have enjoyed our activities and find you have some time, you will find that your enjoyment is multiplied many-fold by volunteering to help out with the running or organizing of our events.


Please contact the current Men’s Club President for additional information. Bruce Sicherman

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785