Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah at New City Jewish Center
At NCJC, a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah is not just a party; it is a Jewish milestone worth celebrating. The Bnai Mitzvah process begins at NCJC in 4th grade with the assignment of a date, but there are many steps between the time you receive your date and your child’s simcha both in terms of education and planning for the event. Please download the PDF of our Bnai Mitzvah packet and review together as a family to better familiarize yourselves with this special journey to Jewish adulthood. [File coming soon.]
If you have any questions about the Bar and Bat Mitzvah process, reach out to Rabbi Allison Berlinger by email at or by phone at 845.638.9600.
Audio Files For Students
4th & 5th Grade Prayers
6th & 7th Grade Prayers
Torah Service
Blessings before and after reading the Torah
Second Blessing after Haftarah
Fourth Blessing after Haftarah
Trope Exercises